

★高津文人, 渡邊未来, 林誠二, 今井章雄, 中島泰弘, 尾坂兼一, 三浦真吾, 筑波山周辺の渓流水中の硝酸イオンの酸素・窒素安定同位体比による硝酸イオンの生成・混合・消費プロセスの解析, 陸水学雑誌, (印刷中)
★Tokuchi, N., Ohte, N., Osaka, K., Katsuyama, M. (2012) Separate estimation of N export into baseline N leakage without disturbance and N loss due to insect defoliation in a pine forest watershed in central Japan, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, DOI 10.1007/s10661-012-2596-y

★中村高志, 尾坂兼一, 平賀由紀, 風間ふたば(2011), 富士川流域における渓流水中の硝酸イオンの窒素・酸素安定同位体比, 日本水文科学会誌, 41(3), 79-89
★Minamikawa, K.,Nishimura, S., Nakajima, Y., Osaka, K., Sawamoto, T., Yagi, K. (2011) Upward Diffusion of nitrous oxide produced by denitrification near shallow groundwater table in the summer Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 57, 719-732
Osaka, K., Hida, Y., Kunimatsu, T. (2011): Evaluation of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Carbon Loading by Litters Discharge from a Mountain Watershed Comprises with Japanese Cypress, Journal of Ecotechnology Research, 16(2), 33-38
★Matsubara, T., Kosugi. Y., Takanashi, S., Mizota, Y., Itoh, M., Osaka, K., Fujimoto, M., Ohkubo, S. (2011): Seasonal fluctuations in growth/decline and single-leaf gas exchange of C3 turfgrass fields under various light conditions. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 67, 1-12
★土井崇, 永淵修, 横田久里子, 吉村和久, 阿久根卓, 山中寿朗, 宮部俊輔, 硫酸イオンの現場捕集濃縮法を用いた屋久島の渓流河川における硫黄同位体比の測定, 陸水学雑誌, 72(2), 印刷中
★久米篤, 渡辺幸一, 永淵修, 朴木英治, 広域大気汚染の現状と森林生態系への影響 -屋久島と立山の事例- (2011) 日本生態学会誌, 61, 97-106


★Kosugi, Y., Osaka, K., Itoh, M., Takanashi, S., and Matsubara, T., Photosynthesis and respiration of C3 turfgrass fields under various light conditions. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, in press.

★Kosugi, Y., Itoh, M., Matsubara, M., Takanashi, S., Osaka K., Mizota, Y., Dannoura M., Shimamura, T., Makita, N., Partitioning of respiratory CO2 fluxes in a managed C3 turfgrass field, Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, in press.

Osaka, K., Ohte, N., Koba, K., Yoshimizu, C., Katsuyama, M., Tani, M., Tayasu, I., Nagata, T. (2010): Hydrological influences on spatiotemporal variations of d15N and d18O of nitrate in a forested headwater catchment in central Japan: Denitrification plays a critical role in groundwater, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, G02021, doi:10.1029/2009JG000977

★Ohte, N., Tayasu, I., Kohzu, A., Yoshimizu, C., Osaka, K., Makabe, A., Koba, K., Nagata, T. (2010): Spatial distribution of nitrate sources of rivers in the Lake Biwa watershed, Japan: Controlling factors revealed by nitrogen and oxygen isotope values, Water Resources Research, 46, W07505, doi:10.1029/2009WR007871

伊勢崎幸洋, 永淵修, 阿久根卓, 低レベルアルカリ度に適したグランプロット法の改良-屋久島渓流水への適用例, Journal of Ecotechnology Research, (accepted)

木下弾, 永淵修, 川上智規, 伊吹山における大気水銀及び同期するガス状成分の鉛直分布とその評価 (2010), 環境工学研究論文集, 47, 553-560

橋本尚己, 永淵修, 中澤暦, 國松孝男, 大気降下物による琵琶湖集水域への汚染物質負荷量の評価 (2010), 環境工学研究論文集, 47, 545-552

★杉本好崇, 駒井幸雄, 國松孝男, 永淵修 (2010) 小麦転作による水稲非作付期間の水田からの洪水流出負荷量の変化, Journal of Ecotechnology Research, 15(3-4)

★Nakazawa, K., Kunimatsu, T., Nagafuchi, O. (2010): Using bilk deposit samplers to evaluate pollutant loads from atmospheric deposition, Journal of Ecotechnology Research, 15(2)

★Kume, A., Nagafuchi, O., Akune, S., Nakatani, N., Chiwa, M., Tetsuka, K., (2010): Environmental factors influencing the load of long-range transported air pollutants on Pinus amamiana in Yakushima Island, Japan, Ecological Research, 25(1), 233-243.


★Koba, K., Osaka, K., Tobari, Y., Toyoda, S.,Ohte, N., Katsuyama, M., Suzuki, N, Itoh M., Yamagishi, H., Kawasaki, M., Kim, S., Yoshida, N. and Nakajima, T. (2009): Biogeochemistry of nitrous oxide in groundwater in a forested ecosystem elucidated by nitrous oxide isotopomer measurements, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, 3115-3133.

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★横田久里子, 永淵修, 山根省三, 本多安希雄, 伊勢崎幸洋 (2009): 夏季の富士山におけるパッシブサンプラーを用いたガス状成分の鉛直分布, Journal of Ecotechnology Research, 15, 31-36.

★村田正和, 永淵修, 伊勢崎幸洋, 横田久里子, 星加章 (2009): 広島湾の堆積環境, 環境工学研究論文集, 46, 445-451.

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★藤瀬絵里,川上智規,永淵修 (2009): 屋久島西部渓流河川における硝酸イオ ンの流出と酸性化,環境工学研究論文集,46.

★國木里香,川上智規,加賀谷重浩,井上隆信,Elvince Rosana, 永淵修 (2009): 大気中水 銀濃度の測定~パッシブサンプラーの開発~,環境工学研究論文集,46.

★横田 久里子,永淵修,山根省三,本多安希雄,伊勢崎幸洋 (2009): 夏季の富士山におけるパッシブサンプラーを用いたガス状成分の鉛直分布, J. Ecotechnology Research, 15,31-36.

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★Elvince, R., Inoue, T., Darung, U., Kawakami, T., Nagafuchi, O., Tsushima, K. (2008): Mercury Comtamination in Lake Tilap, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, Journal of Ecotechnology Research, 13, 291-294.

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★Ide, J., Nagafuchi, O., Chiwa, M., Kume, A., Otsuki, K., Ogawa, S. (2007): Effects of discharge level on the load of dissolved and particulate components of stream nitrogen and phosphorus from a small afforested watershed of Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa), Journal of forestry Research, 12, 45-561.


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★Shimamura, T., Osaka K., Itoh, M., Ohte, N., Takemon, Y. (2006): Spatial distribution of nitrate in Mizoro-ga-ike, a pond with floating mat bog, Advances in Geosciences 6: Hydrological Science, 129-137

★Kunimatsu, T., Otomori, T.,Osaka K., Hamabata, E., Komai, Y. (2006) Evaluation of nutrient loads from a mountain forest including storm runoff loads, Water Science and Technology, International Water Association publishing, 53(2), 79-91

★Saitoh、K., Kodama, H., Sera, K., Yoshimura, K., Nagafuchi, O. (2006): Chemical components in rime on Mt. Moriyoshi in northern Japan, International Journal of Pixe, 15,211-219.

永淵修,伊利 沙丁,井上隆信, 海老瀬潜一,浮田正夫 (2006): 除草剤メフェナセットの流出量評価のための簡易モデルの検討,水環境学会誌,29,809-813.


Nagafuchi, O., Murakami, K., Ukita, M. (2005): Evaluation of Clastogenicities of Isoprothiolane and Pyroquilon using the mouse micronuclei test, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 86, 99-102.

★Ebise, S., Nagafuchi, O. (2005): Influence distributions of acid deposition in mountainous streams on a tall cone-shaped Island, Yakushima, J. Water and Environment Technology, 3, 169-174.


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